Can Virtual Events Replace Traditional Events?

Can Virtual Events Replace
Traditional Events?

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With the world teetering on global events that have been the source of overwhelming challenges that continue to affect people’s lives today, and nations’ healthcare systems, social norms have begun to see drastic changes. Are these changes for the better? Until when will you need to conform to them? When will it be acceptable to return to the norm you and I grew up with. That is if there’s even a hint of a chance for them to do a double-take and be restored.

We have yet to observe their far-reaching effects. And analysts speculate that said changes could, later on, reveal themselves less temporary than expected.

But humanity survives and flourishes despite all odds. We still love to celebrate life and everything that falls in between. It’s the reason why events hosting is such a lucrative profession. Because you and I will always find a way to celebrate what and who we love most. You will always find a way to have a reason to have fun with your friends, family, or colleagues and just have a blast of a good time.

And according to psychologists (yes, there’s some science in here), events lead to positive benefits, too. Commendation and recognition are among the factors that motivate human beings. They inspire us to continue pushing forward and doing what we do best, as best as we can. When these commendations, recognitions, and celebrations are done in person, they’re morality uplifting, encouraging, and are motivations that drive confidence and excellence.

Even so, there’s a stark increase on the dependence of all things virtual and conferencing through online channels have been taking precedence as of recent.

So then, what do these mean for Events and Event Hosting?

The New Reality

Be that as it may, has a rise in virtual events mean the end of their traditional, face-to-face counterpart? As the world continues to evolve into one that’s dependent on technology whether for work or for entertainment, meetings and celebrations hosted online continue to increase in number and frequency.

It’s something inevitable. This paradigm shift. Because there’s no stopping technology and its continuous advancement. The world’s technology exists due to the matter that convenience is a safety net that human beings find comfort in.

Faster work in a shorter amount of time, with less effort. Quicker conduits of communication that rarely, if at all, have boundaries. Everything in a click of a button or on spoken command at Alexa, Siri, or Google (did we miss “anyone” else?).

Plus, it’s happening without delays. Have you noticed that the technology of yesterday is already behind and considered passe when paid side by side with the technology of tomorrow? It’s quite fascinating, yet at the same time, daunting. That there is an urgency in keeping up to speed with these constant shifts and modifications society is leaning towards.

By the same token, events and event hosting are directly affected by this. Yet soon, we will find ourselves adjusted to these worldwide social transformations, and we’ll have the capacity to calmly sail on the new norms that have swept through the globe in a tumultuous storm.

It may be new at present. It may be something that people are struggling to cope with. Businesses are opening their doors to what was deemed as unconventional transactions. Consumers are teaching themselves to be comfortable making their purchases online. To further this, social occasions are transcending from friends chatting together, having a drink on a Friday night, to congresses involving hundreds of employees logged on to whatever online podium companies have chosen to trust.

As we turn our eyes towards virtual business dealings and gatherings, there are some key factors that require answers. While more and more of the masses patronize this not-so-new form of conversation and convention, two questions hang adrift— what are the advantages of Virtual Gatherings. What of their disadvantages? Can one replace the other?

We intend to give insight into these as much as we can in this post.

The Pros And Cons Of Virtual Events

Let’s Start With The Pros

1. Hosting a virtual event is easy

Almost effortless, if we may say it that way. All you need to do is set the schedule, gather responses from possible attendees, prepare the program, and… well, that’s it. It’s a hassle-free, no-frills manner of talking to a huge number of people in a single go, while connected to the internet.

Because that’s all everybody will need. A good connection online. With that alone, any virtual event can be hosted no-sweat.

Plus, getting in touch with caterers, printing presses, security agencies, and a slew of other third-party companies that usually have their feet dipped in your event preparations— you can kiss these “goodbye.”

2. It’s cost-effective

Instead of having to carefully sift through a selection of venues and closely check on their prices per hour, you can forgo this stage and conduct an assembly online for free. Granted you’ll still be paying for your electricity and internet bills, but that’s nothing compared to the grand scale that renting a venue warrants.

Not only that, but it’s going to be cost-effective on participants, too. Individuals won’t feel the need to go shopping for a good outfit to wear to the event. They won’t have to spend on gas. They won’t even have to pay for some sort of conference fee or hand-out charges (Because even the latter can be downloaded via soft copy. Unless they’re copyrighted, then that’s a whole other story).

3. It’s convenient for the attendees themselves.

Thirdly, attendees can be in the comfort of their homes and still be present at the conference, or whichever name you’d like to call it.

Aside from that, even they won’t have to worry about transportation, or even being late (at least, we hope this is the case)! They simply need to be ready and online when they need to be.

4. It’s time-saving.

Finally, more time can be saved in the preparation and the “clean-up” of a virtual event in comparison to that of a traditional event. There’s no actual preparation involved, to be straightforward, nor will there be a need for cleaning up after.

Organizers won’t have that much work to do, to be honest. At least, other than making sure attendees have ticked “yes” on the “Will you be available at…” through Calendly or other similar scheduling platforms.

Invitations? They can be crafted through various software (most, with built-in templates to choose from) and sent via email, too. And once the online meeting is concluded, well, that’s it. There’s nothing else to do. A few follow-ups and surveys yet, to be frank, that’s the end of the line. So, hosts and organizers can breathe easier and have time in their hands.

Now, The Cons

1. Distractions A-Plenty

Being at home means being susceptible to distractions, whether they come in the form of your kids, the casserole you’re heating on the stove, or noise coming from the street right outside your place of residence.

You can name a whole other list of things that may lead to diverting your attention from the virtual event. All the same, that’s the truth of the matter. A simple click of the mute button and of the turn-your-camera-off icon, and you can easily slip away from the chat/conference room to attend to anything else besides it.

At the same time, internet connectivity itself is a culprit here. Your connectivity via a good or a bad service provider has a role in this. Additionally, having tens of people, or hundreds, will render a virtual event not-so-seamless. Expect a bit of lagging, the audio not matching up with the video, or the video feed itself becoming fuzzy from time to time.

Organizers won’t have that much work to do, to be honest. At least, other than making sure attendees have ticked “yes” on the “Will you be available at…” through Calendly or other similar scheduling platforms.

Invitations? They can be crafted through various software (most, with built-in templates to choose from) and sent via email, too. And once the online meeting is concluded, well, that’s it. There’s nothing else to do. A few follow-ups and surveys yet, to be frank, that’s the end of the line. So, hosts and organizers can breathe easier and have time in their hands.

2. Little To No Opportunities For Networking

One of the reasons why people go the distance to be present at conventions is that they view it as a pool of future networking connections. You get to meet people from different businesses, different industries who could be potential partners in the near future.

Hence, not being able to do so is a disadvantage during virtual events. You MIGHT have chances to make introductions of yourself and of your company via an online portal but it will require a lot of patience on your end. As well as a whole lot of tolerance from your counterpart.

Remember, they too, are in the same situation as you are. At home, and surrounded by distractions that plague them just as often as yours badger you moment after moment.

We’ll talk about this a little more further in the post. For now, here’s the third con.

3. Less Active Participation And Excitement

This may vary from person to person but we’ll stand by how true this is. Because of the scaled-down convenience of meeting online, there’s little to almost no effort in being a part of the meeting itself.

Yes, individuals can properly wear half a business suit (the upper half, please!), some will wear makeup and whip their hair up formal-style, but you have to admit, it doesn’t compare to a face-to-face encounter.

For this reason, most won’t be as participative and engaged as they would be in a traditional setup. They’ll be there. You’ll see their videos on your screen. They’ll be nodding their heads in agreement or shaking them if they disagree. Still, there won’t be enough occasions that will merit their undivided attention and thoughtful involvement. There won’t be avenues for contributions on the level of traditional gatherings.

Following this, here’s why face-to-face events are still essential.

Face-To-Face Events: Irreplaceable By Virtual Events

Though there are advantages to virtual events, and they act as an amazing alternative to traditional assemblies, they will not be effective as a complete replacement of the other. Note the word “complete.”

There’s magic about interacting with others in person. And yes, we said “magic.” The connections you make, the conversation you have when in front of the other and you’re seeing each other eye to eye… they become much more relevant.

This is where networking makes sense. This is where networking thrives. Discussions that are open, where a back and forth can be done without the trouble of a delay in communicating your point because of internet speed.

Furthermore, sponsorships and branding equally flourish in this environment. It’s tough to leave a good impression, and even tougher, a lasting impact on an audience who merely sees you as another face on their computer display.

When Will It Be The Opportune Time To Return To Traditional Events?

Although much of what society does is dictated by the laws of the government of the land, the undeniable and unquestionable truth is that for events and events hosting, you and I have much freedom to make decisions about them.

Whether you’ve already had a taste of a virtual event and have experienced its conveniences or not, consider its counterpart. Consider how there is a need for real and personal meetings, of talks with gestures and facial expressions, and business dealings that are more effective in person than they are online.

A need. We emphasize that word. Not merely a want. You see, people have personalities that differ from one another and these are what allow us all to be unique. Introverts and extroverts. People who like being outside and those who prefer to stay in their homes whenever they can.

Nonetheless, anybody regardless of background and personality will come to agree that celebrations have another phase of “meaningful” when done in front of and with the ones who matter to the celebrants, guests, members, call it what you will, who are a part of the gathering.

In simpler words, it’s completely up to you and the participants of an event. If everybody has the confidence to step out and be in a crowd of hundreds, if not thousands, then traditional assemblies will begin to see the light of day.

Will the transition be quick? Will it take a year? Such questions have no direct answer as of the moment. At any rate, it WILL happen. Soon or not-so-soon, it will.

But really, the answer is in your hands. If you believe that at this moment, a traditional event is what’s needed to bring life to the occasion you’ll be celebrating and/ or hosting, by all means, go ahead. Get your creative juices running and host it amazingly!

And yes, even with precautions regarding social distancing by a certain number of feet, seating arrangements that aren’t so close together, monitored food serving, strict head-counting against room capacity, and the like, you’ll still be able to create a spectacular experience unlike any other.

By following through with said precautions, we can, a step at a time, cruise ourselves more and more towards face-to-face events. “Slow and steady” is the key. And as we work together to maintain safety in social gatherings, we’ll get there with flying colors sooner than expected.

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Can Virtual Events Replace Traditional Events?

The New Reality. Be that as it may, has a rise in virtual events mean the end of their traditional, face-to-face counterpart? As the world continues to evolve into one that’s dependent on technology whether for work

Top 30 Event Lighting Ideas for Brand Activation and Exhibition


No matter what type of event you are planning, you definitely want to make sure everything about it is on par with your brand and the message you want to send out into the world.

Of course, there are many details to consider – but event lighting is one of the most important ones. Custom stage lighting and event lighting design can completely change the appearance of your booth or stage and they can help you create just the right atmosphere for the type of event you are planning.

What are some of the best event lighting concepts you might want to consider? We have gathered some of the most creative event lighting ideas right below – so read on if you want to find out more.

Event Lighting Tips for Different Types of Events

The type of event you are planning to attend will have a pretty heavy influence on the type of lighting you bring into it.

For instance, below you will find different types of events and the types of event lighting that go best with them:

Artistic and cultural events will always value simplicity. For instance, this Edison lightbulb arrangement is extremely creative and it is more than perfect for an arts & culture event.

Journalistic or literary events are all about the words and the people who send out the messages. As such, a lighting design that emphasizes the power of what these people do will definitely suit the scope of the event.

A business dinner needs to set a relaxed, yet professional and very appealing atmosphere. For instance, this LED table runner makes the entire table feel more unique and welcoming.

Children’s events need to put a lot of emphasis on color, childishness, and playfulness. For instance, this event design idea is perfect for events where both parents and children will attend.

Mall booths need to disrupt the classic mall design with an appeal that is attractive and unique. For instance, this Estee Lauder booth lighting manages to really nail the aesthetics of the brand and of the target audience, while fitting into the mall landscape in a very beautiful way.

Event Space Lighting Ideas for Different Types of Lighting

Of course, there are different types of lighting as well. Some of them can be universally adjusted to pretty much any type of event (such as LED lights, for example), but others are only suitable in certain contexts.

Let’s take a look at some of the best event space lighting ideas you might want to consider according to the type of lighting you are looking for:

Edison light bulbs are a very trendy idea that can fit into multiple contexts – from events based on arts and culture to business events focusing on sales. You just have to use your creativity here!

Flexible LED lights are usually used for messages and other types of shapes you can “hang” on the wall. From LED lights that spell out keywords related to your brand to LED lights that create intricate arrangements, there’s something for everyone!

Neon lights are a subcategory of LED lights, but since they are a popular trend, they deserve to be treated as their own category. Neon lights are best with night events and the type of events where you really want to draw attention.

Spotlights can be used in a subtle way, but they can be used in a very dramatic way as well. An empty stage with only a large spotlight on the person speaking can give a certain vibe, and if that’s what you are looking for, then you will definitely love the idea of having spotlights incorporated in your event.

Artistic lights can be used to light up certain elements in a very artistic way. They are suitable not only for events in the arts and culture sector, but every other type of business event out there.

Event Space Lighting Advice Based on Location

Where your event takes place has a massive influence on how it will go from head to finish – and it definitely has a massive influence on your design as well.

What are some of the best event space lighting pieces of advice based on location? Here are some ideas for you:

Large indoor spaces give you plenty of room to play around. This lighting design idea, for example, is extremely visually striking and it can definitely attract visitors in your “maze”.

Outdoor spaces can look absolutely adorable when you have the right lighting. Take these lanterns, for example, that light up the space and make it feel really unique.

Smaller indoor spaces can be made to look really cozy and comfortable. Take, for example, this adorable space that uses oversized Edison light bulbs in a creative way.

If you are planning an event at the mall, make sure your lighting design stands out from the crowd but fits into the modern landscape of the mall as well. Take this arrangement, for example – it’s brilliantly put together!

Larger outdoor spaces need to feel cozier, and as such lighting based on simple bulbs and umbrellas like this one is a really good idea.

Event Lighting Tips for Different Target Audiences

It is extremely important to match your entire event with the type of audience you are targeting as well. This will help you attract the people that are more likely to actually buy from you.

For instance:

Events targeting women should tap into the things they like, and their sensibilities. We really loved the stylish blend the simple design and the typography of the lighting message on the wall here, for example.

Events for children and families should make the space feel welcoming and safe. This place, for instance, is very well lit up, but in a way that emphasizes the attractions of the event.

If you are targeting a Christmas audience, you need to make it all look like a fairytale. This lighting cascade is simply magical and it can make any place look really amazing, for example!

Targeting a modern, urban audience? Make sure your lighting emphasizes those parts of the event design that really match up the style of your target audience – such as in this example here!

If you are targeting an active, fitness-inspired, sporty audience, your entire event design should look full of life and action in itself. For instance, the color of this lit up message here and the way in which the words are brought together make it feel really full of energy.

Event Stage Lighting Design Ideas

Planning stage events is an entirely different affair than any other type of event – so we felt that it needed a section of its own. Some of the best ideas you could use when planning event stage lighting design include the following:

Tech events need to make the audience feel like they belong in a futuristic landscape. The blue gobo lights in this event design achieve this pretty well, for example!

Don’t be afraid to play with neon lights – a geometric design can look really cutting edge and unique, like in this stage design, for instance!

Working with a small booth? How about transforming it into a mini stage for your salespeople? This example here is a wonderful one – it blends into the design of the room, it attracts attention, and it emphasizes freshness and youth (which is perfect for a brand like Vichy).

Message lights are very trendy right now. A simple stage with a lit up word like this one can be no less than what you need to attract the audience’s attention and support the message of the entire event in a unique and classy way.

You can also play with neon lights and messages, like in this example here. Although it isn’t on a stage, the same type of design can be easily transported into an event stage scenario and it can draw the attention on the speakers in a very creative way.

It is absolutely crucial to ensure that you are not afraid of being creative. At this point, no matter what industry you work in and no matter what type of event you are attending, people are already used to the “basic”, personality-less booths and event designs. As such, you should use light to attract people’s attention and support the message of your brand and of the campaign you are running. Think out of the box and you will be more than happy with the results!

Last, but not least, if you are looking for event lighting rental Malaysia, be sure you go with the best of the best. The quality of your event lighting company can influence the quality of the entire event design – so you need a provider of event lighting rental Malaysia that is very reliable and can help you bring the craziest ideas to life.

Remember, the best event marketing is always a unique experience for the end user of the product – so go crazy, go wild, and light up the world with your brand!

How to Choose the Best Door Gift for a Corporate Event

How to Choose the Best Door Gift for a Corporate Event

There are a lot of types of corporate events – but no matter where in the world you look, and no matter the nature of the event (or even the nature of your business), a corporate gift is always appreciated by those present.

Why are Premium corporate gifts so important, how to choose them, and what are some of the very best Corporate door gift ideas?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

The BEST Event Gift Ideas

Fortunately, we live in a world where whatever your mind can conceive in terms of event gift ideas, it can probably materialize into reality as well. As such, the number one rule to creating gift bags that are unique and outstanding is, well, to use your creativity.

Here are some inspirational ideas you might take home:

1. The classic New Hire kit.

This one is an absolute classic across all industries and verticals – and not for no reason, mind you! A new hire is always a happy event in your company because someone smart, skilled, and fitting your profile has decided to work with you. Show them your appreciation by pulling together a welcome kit that includes all sorts of goodies: branded mug, notebook, pens, and, perhaps, something cute, like funny stickers related to your business (which they can stick on their laptop, notebook, and so on).

2. The techie kit


We all own smartphones – so, next time you go to an event, think of your attendees and offer them something related to their smartphone – like a classy pouch where they can put their smartphone, charger, and USB cable, for example, or a fun-looking external battery they can take wherever they go.

3.The cooking kit

Do you work in the food industry? One fun way to welcome people and attract them towards your business is by offering them a nice cooking kit containing a small bottle of good wine, personalized wooden spoon, spices, and so on. People are just bound to love this!

4.Old-school video game

OK, you might not be able to get old-school SEGA games for everyone – but small pocket PAC-MAN games can get really popular. This type of gift is especially great for the tech industry (software programmers will LOVE this for sure!).


5.Toss in some snacks

Everyone loves good food – so a gift bag containing popular snacks (like caramel popcorn, who can ever say “no” to that?) is bound to attract all the success in the world, for sure. This is another great example here.

6.The hiking kit

If you know your target audience is likely to enjoy the outdoors, offer them objects they can use while hiking and camping – like a kit containing a compass, a Swiss multi-tool, and other similar products.

7.The office desk cooling

Do your visitors work in a hot environment? If that is the case, why not offer them a mini fan for their office desk? You can personalize it with your brand colors and brand logo too!

8.The fancy coffee


Let’s face it, there’s something irresistible about fancy coffee – it feels luxurious and pampering, and every single coffee lover in the world (which is pretty much everyone in the world) will love it!

9. Leather goodies

When it comes to luxurious gifts, nothing can beat a leather journal cover, together with a luggage tag, and perhaps one or two other similarly luxurious-looking gifts.

10.The tech stand

This stand will help people pull all their gadgets into one place – and it will do it in a super-classy way. This type of gifts is extremely versatile, especially since everyone would love one of these on their desk!

11.A watch with a message

A classy-looking watch on a special stand personalized with a nice message can go a really long way when it comes to making people feel appreciated. Of course, this is a very high-end gift and it would probably work best in a very corporate environment, where your target audience is, in itself, the kind who appreciates this type of gift.

12. Unique backpack


This gift will be madly popular with your employees, but it can be offered at external events too. A smart backpack is always a great gift!

13.Movie ticket and snack voucher


This is the perfect gift for the movie industry, but it can be a very nice attention for those who attend any other kind of event as well – especially if you know there’s a movie coming up they might enjoy!

14.Fun mugs

You probably don’t want to offer this to C-level people – but it can be a massively fun gift for pretty much every company event for your employees!

15.Sports bottles

If your target audience is likely to enjoy sports products, they will LOVE this!

16. Travel pillows


Who doesn’t love sitting comfortable in their car when traveling? This type of gift can show you really care about the people you are targeting!

17.Multi-charging station

Again, this is the type of gift that can work really well for the tech industry – but since most of us have multiple gadgets, it will definitely be easy to apply it to pretty much every other industry too!


These are simply endless! If you target an audience comprised by mostly men, this type of gift will always be a hit.

19.Wireless speaker

Again, this is the type of gift that can be easily personalized for any industry, any vertical. People will sure appreciate a wireless speaker that looks good and sounds good too!

20.Wooden classics


If you work in a business focusing a lot on nature and natural products, this type of kit can work out really well for you – it does look amazing!

Why a Door Gift for Corporate Event Is Important

This one’s simple: Corporate event goodie bags are important because they lie at the very foundation of your business’ image. Some of the goals you are aiming for by offering event gifts include the following:

  1. Promote your company’s image. Simple gifts can really help you send your message across. It might be all about a new campaign you are launching or simply the core message of your business. Whatever it is, though, you will find it quite easy to find corporate gift ideas that coordinate with your message and help you send it across.

  2. Show off. Sometimes, corporate gifts are simply a way to show off – it does sound bad, but it’s actually what most businesses do. This can be especially important in the B2B realm because it will show customers and potential leads that you are a strong company and you can offer people gifts that are attractive and very well coordinated with your business’ brand.

  3. Show consideration. The people attending this event have come a long way to see you and your business. They deserve all your gratitude – and a small gift is just the way to show them you truly care about their presence there!

  4. A chance to get creative. Let’s face it: we, marketers, love to get creative. And the best corporate gift ideas out there do tend to be quite fun, interesting, intriguing, and attractive. Every event is a new opportunity for you, as a marketer, to push your boundaries forward and create something uniquely memorable for your target audience. Isn’t that amazing?

How to Choose the Best Door Gift for Corporate Events

You want to make sure your door gift has the impact you are aiming for – and, as such, there’s quite the thinking process that should go into the final decision on what type of door gift you want to offer.

Some of the things you should keep in mind when choosing from the myriad of corporate gift ideas include the following:

  1. Your brand. Do not offer things that are completely disconnected from your brand. OK, there are Corporate event goodie bag ideas that are universally good – you simply slap your logo and tagline on them and they’re good to go. But, for instance, if you sell tractors, you might find that offering things like fine chocolate or cosmetics is not within your spectrum – it’s hard to connect these objects to your business and, in the end, it’s hard to connect them to what is most likely your target audience too. Which brings us to

  2. Your target audience. They are the second (not in the order of importance) essential element to consider when choosing your event bag goodies. You need to make sure they like the things you are offering – because, as mentioned in the very beginning, you actually want to show them you appreciate their effort of being there and you want them to be happy and satisfied with everything.

  3. The event itself. Sometimes, the nature of the event will help you choose from a specific typology of gift ideas. For instance, if the event is related to Christmas or a special holiday, you might find that there are gifts that are more appropriate for that special day than others.

  4. In general, you can more or less customize this type of objects and make them fit your brand. DO make sure you don’t get something that might be even remotely similar to what your competition has in terms of brand colors – that might send across a confusing message.

  5. Like it or not, this should be part of your decisional process too. As you probably know and guess, the larger the budget, the more luxurious the gifts can be – but even if you cannot afford spending a fortune, you can still pull off gifts that are attractive and interesting on a small budget too.

Looking for the best corporate gifts supplier in Malaysia? Don’t hesitate to give us a call – we hold a very generous range of products you can choose from and we know you will absolutely love each and every single one of them!

Best Event Stage Design Ideas

Best Event Stage Design Ideas

As an event marketer, you want to make sure your events are properly designed – not just from an aesthetic point of view, but from the point of view of their purpose as well. No marketing event happens without a clear goal – and yours should make no exception whatsoever.

In fact, you absolutely need to make sure your event is properly coordinated with your marketing goals. Without this, your marketing event might turn out nice – but it might not actually create leads, or create loyalty, or bring any real benefit to your business.

A well-designed event stage, however, can be a complete game changer and it can actually help you attain your goals – whether they are building brand awareness, creating loyal clients, or attracting leads.

The article at hand is all about helping you create a stage design that will truly fit you and your business’ purpose. The main focus here is consisted by roadshows, launch activations, seasonal events (like the Chinese New Year, Christmas, or Hari Raya), as well as corporate launches and campaigns.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the best stage decoration ideas out there – read on and find out more about creating a stage decoration that will be a complete game changer for your business!

Define the Objective or Function of the Stage

Our advice is to not even proceed further to searching for design stage ideas until you establish a clear purpose for your stage. This will help you pick the best types of stage design ideas – from the stage lighting design to the steps of the company event stage production, having a clear goal in mind will help you make the right choices.

Some of the most common stage functions include the following:

1) Product presentation. If you are launching a new product, if you are re-launching a product, or if you simply want to open your product to a new market or niche, you will have to organize a product presentation event. In this case, the type of design ideas for events you should look towards are the ones that focus a lot on the product – maybe you could even create a background (digital or not) that is all about the product and its features, or you could even create something more unique (such as something shaped like your product or the things it does).

2) Again, in this case you want to have this type of event, you should coordinate your design ideas for events with the type of event you want to have and with its specific purpose. You absolutely need to do this!

3) In case your event’s main focus is a speech – maybe one announcing changes in the company, new products or lines of products, or simply demos of a product – you will have to place the main focus on the person (or persons) giving the speech. After all, this person is the center of attention – and although your design stage set will definitely include elements that point towards the product or the main topic of discussion, the truth is that the focus must lie on what is said – and more specifically, on the person who says it.

4) Sometimes, companies have performance-based events to showcase their products or simply to attract people towards them. This makes all the sense in the world, particularly with some types of products and markets. If that is the case, your professional stage setup will have to accommodate the needs and the décor of that performance – regardless of whether it is a concert, a drama play, or a one man show.

5) Launch gimmicks. When it comes to launches, marketers love launch gimmicks – and this is a type of event in its own right, because it does not necessarily focus on the value of the product only, but also on the entertainment value of the actual event as well. This type of events go out with a bang – they are meant to attract, amaze, and even loyalize customers that might not know about your company and the products you bring on the market. Therefore, your stage design in this case will have to be nothing less than spectacular – because that is precisely what you are aiming for with this entire event.

Of course, there are many other types of events – and each of them comes with its own way of planning the event stage itself. You should definitely use your creativity – but in the end, it should be something you fully coordinate with your event’s goal.

Event Stage Design Themes & Feel

Once you have determined the goal of your marketing, you should also start working on the actual vibe and the feel your event will give off.

While there are many ways to do this, they are generally categorized in three main groups

1) This is quite somber, and it can definitely be perceived as the drier type of event design. However, in certain contexts, it is precisely what you need. When it comes to companies that sell very high-end products, or companies that are in themselves very corporate, it only makes sense that their events will mirror this. Aside from the apparent stiffness, this type of event will create a sense of trustworthiness among your clients, helping you show that your company is serious – and that it means business. Very frequently, B2B companies resort to this type of design because it is more compatible with the idea of selling products or services to another business.

2) At first, this might seem just as stiff as the corporate style – but when you look closer, you will realize that this type of events has a special kind of simplicity. It’s not all about gray shades and metallic nuances here – it’s about keeping it to a minimum. Sometimes, a minimal style can embrace a natural style – such as wooden tables and chairs, and a general feel of “less is more”. Other times, it can embrace a futuristic style as well – such as a style that focuses on sharp edges and geometric shapes.

3) If you are a marketer, this is probably your favorite style. Creative events are meant to make everything look really special – to attract crowds, to convince, them and, in the case of certain target audiences, even to make them loyal to your company. As long as you adhere to brand guidelines, and your event sends out the right message, you can actually let your creativity roam wild. It will be worth it!

The Key Elements of Stage Design

Alright. By now you have determined the purpose of your event and you have determined the kind of style you want to approach.

What’s next?

Well, you will have to decide on the particular elements of the stage design.

Of course, there could be a lot of extra elements you might want to add, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to the following elements:

1) This is the background of your stage. It can be a large banner, it can be something really spectacular, or it can even be something digital, such as a stage screen (which is actually recommended if your company pertains to the larger spectrum of technology companies).

2) No matter what type of event you may be planning, you will most likely have to include some sort of visuals too. A digital banner, an LED screen, a projector to help you show images or slides – these are just some of the more commonly encountered types of visuals for events.

3) Depending on what type of event you want to plan and its overall style, you may have to bring in some props as well. They can be anything: from benches and chairs to musical instruments, statues, and so on.

4) The right lighting can make or break your entire event design – so make sure you choose wisely here. From colored lights to little fairy lights, every type of event lighting out there is meant to be used in a particular way, for specific target audiences, and specific types of events in general.

5) Color scheme. As a marketer, you should know better than anyone just how powerful color can be – so make sure you choose a color scheme that coordinates with your brand, with the event purpose, and with the message you want to send out in the world.

6) Décor. Flowers, candles, table linens for stages that are more intimate and “home-like” – your décor has to be very attentively selected. Every small detail counts!


7) Launch gimmicks. If you want to launch a product and create something really special around this, you might want to think of smoke machines, bubbles, foam, fireworks, sparklers, and anything in between. Yes, these too should be considered as elements of your event stage design, regardless of whether you want to have an outdoor stage or an indoor one.

Event Stage Design Based on Size

The size of your stage will also have a huge influence on how you have to plan things out with it. Just think of it: you can’t actually do the same type of design for a small, intimate stage as you would for a very large one.

Here are some of the most common examples:

1) Big concourse area. This could be a roadshow event stage design in the mall, or it could even be something you plan on an actual arena. In this case, you have to focus on making sure your message gets across to a mass audience in a large space. A 360 degree stage might be a good idea in this case, as it will allow you to “cover” more people in an easier way.

2) Medium or small concourse area. In general, this type of areas are meant for events that are smaller, more intimate, and probably with a completely different purpose than that of a large arena event. Therefore, you have to focus on creating a good vibe – and yes, this means your details have to be in perfect order, especially since they will be more noticeable in this case!

3) Event spaces rental areas. This could be different places, of different sizes, depending on the location. The Grounds, Glasshouse Seputeh, Subjang Jaya – these are some examples of rental spaces. We also have some suggestions at this link, so check it out if you’re interested!

In the end, you have to keep an open mind when it comes to stage design (and marketing events design in general). Your target audience, your brand, and your overall goal dictate the limits within which you should play.

But everything beyond that is on you. With a bit of imagination, you have the power to create something that is spectacular in every single aspect. You have the power to create the kind of events that are absolutely fantastic. You have the power to prove, once again, that event marketing is not about the show off only – it is, without doubt, about making sure that your company is well represented, about convincing people, about bringing them towards your brand, and creating a loyal customer base that will always come back for more.

Look at Coca Cola or Apple or any of the big brands in the world. They do rely on marketing and advertising to take their brands further – but they always bring something new while adhering to the same brand guidelines. All Apple events will look more or less the same, for example – but the details make the difference from one event to another, and they allow the information and the brand message to transpire through all the décor, all the design, and all the words that are spoken on stage.

Don’t limit your creativity – as an event marketer, you truly have the power to make a change! Do it and you will never regret it. Your company will thank you for it and, years from now, looking back on everything you have ever done, you will thank yourself for it as well!

Trending event props ideas for roadshow

Trending event props ideas for roadshow

As an event marketer, you know that every single detail matter when it comes to creating the perfect roadshow stand – from the stand itself to the event props and all the small details that make your roadshow exhibition feel unique. You know there could never be too much attention to detail – precisely because you need to create more than just a “spot” for your brand to showcase the products and services you sell, but also create an experience for visitors to actually enjoy.

It makes all the sense in the world to put effort into the way your event stand looks and the event props you use.

For once, it helps you stand out from the crowd and attract visitors towards your brand. That is the first step of the lead creation process – it’s the open gate that will welcome guests into the world of your brand’s products, allowing your sales team to present all the products to people interested.

Even more, the right event props can help you create a sense of identity for your brand – and we know just how important that is in a world that’s filled with brands that might sell more or less the same things as you. 

A powerful brand means that people will not only buy from you because they feel like they know you and that they are coordinated with you in terms of messaging – it also means that people will continue to buy from you and recommend you to their peers in the future as well.

Last, but not least, choosing the perfect event props is important because it helps you create more than just a stand that exhibits products. It helps you create a true experience for each guest that stops by – an experience they will associate with your brand and the products you offer.

How to choose the perfect event props for your next roadshow, though? What are some giant event props options that will make you stand out from the crowd and create the kind of experience you want for your brand?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

Vintage Props Rental and Why Would You Do It

When choosing vintage props rentals, however, you need to consider a few tips:

  1. The state of the rental. Even if the rental is old, you want to make sure that it still looks good. In the case of vintage-looking event props, you want to make sure they look “controlled” in terms of what is “old” about them and what isn’t. In the case of second-hand props, you want to make sure they don’t look like they have been used before – you want them to look like they were created especially for you and you only.
  2. The price. Event props rental Malaysia come at different prices, depending on their complexity and their style. On the one hand, you want to choose the kind of event props that really help your business stand out. On the other hand, however, you want to make sure the event rental doesn’t push you out of your budget range – and this is precisely why rentals are always a good option .
  3. The personalization options. Can you incorporate your event props into your roadshow stand in a way that is fully congruent with your brand? Can you personalize it in any way – or at least incorporate it in an ensemble that showcases your brand’s marks (such as logos, colors, and so on)? If your answer for these questions is “yes”, then you are looking at the right event prop.

Types of Event Production Options

There’s a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to props production.

However, it is quite important for you to make sure that you choose a prop maker that offers genuinely high quality – because, after all, the very image of your company is at stake here.

Even more, you want to make sure you choose the right style of props for your business roadshow event.

1. Fun event props.

These are truly among the most fun options out there – even for you, as an adult. For instance, you could have an event prop that includes a slide for kids to play at – this will offer them a great experience and it is bound to attract loads of visitors towards your stand. Here is an example of how this can be pulled off.

2. Message/ letters-based event props.

This is a very popular options for a lot of industries, from beauty to agriculture. It’s a easy way to create an event décor that stands for your brand message and brand marks, and still attracts visitors towards your stand. This here is a very good example in this sense.

3. Unique event props.

If you want to stand out, a unique and maybe even slightly shocking event prop can make all the difference in the world. We really loved this original event prop here – it creates that wow effect and it looks very well coordinated with the brand products and values too.

4. Food event props.

What could be more enticing than a giant event prop calling people to eat something delicious? These oversized chocolate props do it in this respect – it’s bound to be the kind of event prop that draws everyone’s attention towards your company

5. Fun food event props.

You don’t have to tackle into your potential visitors’ appetites to create a food-based event prop. If you want something more entertaining and fun, create a stand that engages guests in some sort of game experience related to your brand. This breakfast-based game event décor is great in this category!

6. Educational event props.

Planning an event that’s meant to be educational? These museum props are very inspiring in this sense – regardless of how young or old your target audience may be, they are bound to be attracted by this kind of props.

7. Product-based event props.

If you want a fully branded event, you can always settle for props that are branded. This Lipton stand, as well as this cool photo cabin prop are inspiring in this direction, for example.

8. Games event props.

This works both for an adult audience and for a very young one. Creating a stand that is based on a game everyone knows and loves is an instant attraction-grabbing way of calling people towards your stand and making them spend some time there, so that they can associate the great experience with your brand. This fun Pac-Man event décor is a very good example here.

9. Beauty event props.

Running a beauty or fashion company? Your event props should emanate that kind of luxurious feeling of high-fashion, while also being catchy as well. We liked this Guerlain oversized prop here – it does the trick pretty well: it gets the attention without being kitschy in any way, and it coordinates with the luxurious messaging of the brand as well. Also, this giant event prop inspired by nail polish can be a very good example as well.

10. Giant products.

Sometimes, just featuring one of your products in oversized form is a great way to make a statement. We liked the marker and the measuring tape examples here – but everything on that page is really, really inspiring as well!

11. Digital event props.

You can always connect an offline event with online channels, especially if your product is digital. This photo booth prop is a very, very good example in this special category.

12. Location inspired event props.

Sometimes, your location dictates the kind of event prop you are looking for. For instance, this mall prop example makes the most out of the space and expands the theme up to the chandeliers and the space surrounding the stairs, creating an entirely different, parallel world pertaining to the brand in cause.

No matter what kind of event props you are looking for, always source them from prop makers that can offer genuine quality. As mentioned before, your very image and brand are at stake here – and you want to make sure the investment pays off in terms of leads created and loyal customers. Choose wisely, take your time, and don’t be afraid to think out of the box – the best event props sometimes sound like the craziest ideas, but they work precisely because they are unique!

Top 10 Event Entrance Arch Design Ideas

Top 10 Event Entrance Arch Design Ideas

First impressions matter – and this stands just as true in human interactions as stands in business interactions as well.

No matter what type of event you might be attending, you really want to make sure you make a great first impression – and your event entrance arch design is a really important player when it comes to this. After all, your entrance is what your future client sees first – so you need to send out the right message with the kind of entrance that is truly one of a kind.

What are some of the very best event entrance arch design ideas you should consider for the upcoming events of your company?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

Exhibition Entrance Arch

Your event entrance design should really stand out. Regardless of whether you are attending an event where other industry peers (and competitors) are present, or you are planning your own event, your entrance arch should look attractive.

An exhibition entrance arch should tell visitors from the very first second what your brand is all about. This here is a very good example in this respect: it names the brand, it allows the visitors to peek in, and it attracts them at the same time. 

Inflatable Arch

It might seem that an inflatable arch is the kind of entrance you would set up for a children’s event, but it can work very well in a myriad of other situations. From outdoor events (such as marathons sponsored by your company) to entrances to indoor events where your target audience is youthful, there are many ways to use an inflatable arch design.

Balloon Arch

Yes, this is primarily used when it comes to children’s events (or at least events that ultimately target children and their parents) – such as in this example. However, depending on the type of balloons, their color, and their arrangement, you can create an inexpensive balloon arch for other types of events too – such as corporate parties, for example.

Optical Illusion Arch

If you want to instantly attract people towards your booth or event, an optical illusion arch can really do the trick. There’s something mesmerizing about these event entrance ideas that make them work almost like a magnet. This here is a prime example of what we are talking about – but if you are searching for something that’s a little more toned-down, opt for something like this. Either way, we guarantee your entrance arch will definitely draw people in!

Product Inspired Arch

In some cases, you might want to show people from the very beginning what your product and/or event is all about – and this is when a product inspired arch can help. For instance, this Nikon event used an entrance shaped as a camera, while this wedding used an entrance shaped like a story book (do keep in mind that the same concept can be used for corporate events too, not just weddings).

Fantasy Arch

Depending on the type of products you sell and your target audience, a fantasy inspired arch might also be an excellent choice for your 2019 events. For instance, this entrance is very inspiring in this respect. If you can connect this kind of theme to your brand, products, and target audience, you are guaranteed to attract a lot of visitors – precisely because people love anything that stirs their imagination.

High Tech Arch

Tech events are usually dominated by entrance arch designs that focus a lot on the combination between blacks, whites, greys, metallic (silver) shades and pops of color. Your entrance should most likely fit in these broad parameters if you are planning to attend a high tech event (or if your product is connected to technology).

Our suggestion is to go the extra mile and create an entrance that truly stands out from the crowd – odd-shaped and futuristic like this one from Samsung S7’s launch, or cutting-edge like this event entrance arch from Max Steel, for example. Entrances like this one, with videos projected on them could work very well for high tech events too – they draw attention through movement and liveliness and they are bound to attract a lot of visitors inside too.

Geometrical and Bold Arches

Geometrical, bold-colored and patterned arches are usually associated with high-tech products that are not necessarily related to the sphere of technology (in its broader sense). For instance, Mercedes-Benz is a luxury car manufacturer regarded as an innovator in their field of expertise – and these entrance arches show that. The simple, geometrical design is clean and elegant, sending reverberations of a high-tech undertone.

If you are looking for something bolder colored, this Air Max or this idea presented at the London Design Festival will surely suit you. These are very energizing, showing movement and liveliness, so they are suitable for a brand that is associated with these qualities (e.g. Air Max sells sports shoes, for example). 

Children Arches

If your company sells children’s products, they are your main target audience – they are the ones that need to drag their parents through the doors of your booth. Therefore, the arch design should be suitable for them – it should be playful and sweet, colored, inspired by the characters that make children smile (such as this Shrek inspired entrance arch or this arch from a Singaporean event dedicated to parenting and lifestyle).

Hollywood/ VIP

When you want to make your visitors feel like true VIPs, you might want to opt for an entrance arch inspired by the celebrity life. This one, inspired by an old movie theatre entrance, or this one, lit up by the star-shaped arches are both excellent examples in this category. Both of them will give your event a sense of luxuriousness and opulence people will love!

No matter what type of arch entrance design you might be looking for, one thing is for certain: you need to think out of the box if you want your event entrance to truly stand out. THIS is how you attract a lot of visitors to your events and convert them into leads (or loyalize them, depending on what your main goal is)!

How to Promote and Event on Social Media

How to Promote and Event on Social Media

Event marketing can definitely bring a lot of benefits to your business, regardless of whether you’re running a B2B enterprise or a B2C one. Of course, the event marketing plan and the types of event marketing ideas differ across various industries.

However, there are always similarities between the planning of a B2B or the promotion of a B2C event – and one of the major ones is connected to the fact that you absolutely need to promote your event. Planning it is obviously important – but without good event marketing strategies and promotion, your events will not get the traction they need to be actually efficient.

Traditionally, most of the event promotion happened offline – through flyers and other offline means of communication. These days, however, event promotion happens online as well. Digital media has provided marketers with a myriad of options when it comes to creative ways to promote an event – and you too should take advantage of this as much as possible!

What are some of the most important promotional ideas for events? What are the basics all event marketers should keep in mind when planning a roadshow?

We have some tips for you – continue reading and find out more.

How to Promote an Event on Social Media

Everyone is on Social Media.

In fact, Social Media is so huge that you’d find it a bit odd if you asked someone who’s online and they said they don’t have any kind of Social Media account.

For you, as a marketer, this means a lot. It means that it is a very high chance your target audience will be on at least one of the main Social Media channels – and it means you can reach maximum ROI with your event promotion campaign without an investment that would break the bank.

Curious to learn more? Here are some of the primary Social Media channels you should use and, most importantly, how to use them:

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the most efficient ways to promote a product or an event online. There’s a very clear reason this always works: users/ consumers are more likely to believe the words of another consumer – an influential one for that matter.

When you run an ad, for example, people may be more tempted to see it as what it really is: an ad, paid by a company that wants to promote its products or events.

When you run an influencer marketing campaign, however, people are more likely to see it as just another one of their peers, giving suggestions and recommendations with regards to a product, service, or event.

There are two main types of influencers you can reach out to:

  1. Bloggers – individuals who have their own blog and write about specific topics;
  2. Social Media influencers – influencers on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn (other Social Media channels might work, but these ones tend to be the most well-known ones).

What are the benefits of working with influencers, as opposed to just running Ads, or other forms of promotion?

  • It’s frequently less expensive than running Ads. Of course, the spending for influencer marketing depends on your industry/ niche and how popular you want your influencers to be. However, most times, running Ads can leave you short of thousands and thousands of dollars with little ROI, making influencer marketing the more beneficial option.
  • Influencers have large audiences you will be automatically reaching to. Keep in mind that the more influential a blogger or a Social Media personality is, the more likely it is that the price for your promotional campaign will go up. Ideally, you should find the right balance between an influencer with an audience that’s large enough, but not too large to exceed your budget.
  • Influencer marketing works. As mentioned above, people are more likely to believe a peer, rather than an Ad. Studies show that the average influencer engagement rate is of about 5.7 % (as opposed to 2-3 %, the engagement rate recorded by most brands present on Social Media).

How to select the right influencers?

There are numerous tools you can use to find Social Media influencers. Influencer Marketing Hub has listed 15 of the most popular free influencer tools in this article. Not all the tools listed in this article are created with the actual purpose of finding influencers, but some of them are and it’s worth checking them out.

However, keep in mind that there are paid options as well (and they are probably more likely to show better results, as well as allow you to add more filters to your search).

Beyond tools, it is extremely important to keep in mind that you need to consider certain criteria when selecting your influencers. Some of the quintessential ones are listed below:

  1. They need to be relevant, more than anything. This is where you start from: a pool of candidates that are actually relevant to your business. You wouldn’t want an IT reviewer to promote makeup products, just as you wouldn’t want your makeup products to be sold in an IT store. Your influencers need to be connected to your industry – and more than that, they need to be as non-general as possible (e.g. you wouldn’t want a YouTuber who speaks about everything from politics to lipstick to promote a new Software-as-a-Service product).
  2. They need to show good metrics. Reach (i.e. the number of followers the influencer has) is one important metric – but it most definitely isn’t the single, nor the most important one. It is far more crucial to make sure your chosen influencer has a good engagement rate (i.e. people comment and share their posts), as well as a good frequency of posting (for instance, there’s no use to work with someone who posts something new every now and again).
  3. They need to be authentic. If your influencers aren’t authentic, there’s absolutely no use in working with them. Remember, the main reason influencer marketing is so popular is precisely because it gives a humane touch to promotion – without the authenticity that makes a campaign feel friendly and real, your influencer marketing efforts will not yield the expected results.

Facebook Promotions

Undoubtedly, Facebook is one of the largest Social Media channels out there (if not the largest one). It’s a channel you should really look into precisely because everyone seems to be on it – from your General Manager to your grandmother, 90% of the people you know are likely to have a Facebook account.

How to use Facebook to promote your events? Here are some promotional ideas for events that can be used for this specific Social Media platform:

Facebook Geo-targeting

Creating an event on Facebook is crucial when you want to promote it on this social media. Beyond simply creating the event and inviting your contacts to it, there are many other things you can do.

For instance, you can promote the event as an Ad. And most importantly, you can choose the specific audience you want to target in this Ad (including their geo-location). This feature is extremely useful when you want to plan the same event in multiple locations. By using it, you can promote your event to people who are located around the area of your choice (instead of spamming everyone else with it). This will help you increase the engagement rate (and more people will be likely to actually attend the event).

Retargeting Ads on Facebook

Retargeted Ads are one of the best ways to run paid campaigns on Facebook. The way they work is quite simple: you install a “pixel” on your site (a special code), and each time someone visits your site and then leaves it, Facebook will display an ad for them later on.

This is a great opportunity for those of you planning an event because it will allow you to remind website visitors that they can see your products and demos live, at a given date.

Facebook Livestream  

Facebook livestreams can be extremely efficient in getting your message “out there”. You can stream a live video before the event to let people know about it (and maybe even show them a brief “sneak peek” of what will happen during the event).

You can also stream a live video during the event to make people curious, to show off your products as they are exhibited during the event, or simply to provide those who couldn’t attend the chance to see your products/ services “in action”.

Instagram Marketing

Instagram is the second most popular Social Network, right next to Facebook. Depending on who your target audience is, their interests and their ages, you might find that Instagram is a more efficient channel of communication when you want to promote an event.

There are two main ways you can do this:

Instagram Live Stories 

These stories are similar to Facebook live streams. When you start a Live Story on Instagram, your followers will be automatically noticed by their app.

If your main target audience is on Instagram (for instance, if you sell beauty products), it is definitely worth looking into this method of promoting your events. Instagram Stories are free to use and you can reach quite a lot of people to make them curious about your event.

Instagram Hashtags

Creating a special hashtag for your event is a great way to increase brand awareness on Instagram. It is very important to be consistent about your hashtag, though. For instance, if your company sells beauty products and you plan on attending a big mall event, you would normally start promoting the future event on Instagram with at least a couple of months ahead of the big date. At that point, you need to decide on a precise hashtag you will use in your posts from the moment you start the promotional campaign to the moment the event ends.

DO encourage your followers to use the hashtag as well. You can create contests and offer discounts for those who do so, for instance. Also, if you work with influencers, do make sure you share your event hashtag with them as well.

Online Press Releases

This event promotion method lies between online and offline marketing. On the one hand, it is very similar to sending press releases as part of an “offline” marketing campaign. On the other hand, online press releases use different online tools to help companies reach out to online media outlets.

When using this promotion method, you write a press release letting media outlets know that you plan on attending a particular event. You give them the details on what will be presented, what your company does, and what benefits visitors can reap if they visit your booth. You try to make your press release as interesting as possible (as this will increase the chances that they are picked up by more media outlets).

Once your press release is ready, you can send it out to multiple media outlets at once, using press release distribution services. Some of these are free, whereas others are paid. Of course, if you are running on a tighter budget, you can use the free ones. But if you can afford spending the extra dollar and if you know you plan regular events, it would probably be best for you to pay for the premium press release distribution services.

Creating a Landing Page for the Event

Creating a special landing page for the event might seem a lot of work. However, with services such as Instapage and Landingi, you can easily create a landing page even if you don’t have coding (or graphic design) knowledge.

The advantages of creating a specific landing page for your event include the following:

  • You can optimize it for Search Engines to improve the likelihood that more people see it;
  • You can get quite creative with it (you are not limited by the Facebook or Instagram restrictions and you can do things that are genuinely interesting and engaging for your target audience);
  • You can track your landing page’s performance quite accurately (using Google Analytics, you can track how many people landed on their site, as well as how much time they spent on site and how many of them converted into event attendees).
  • Using a heatmap tool, you can see where your landing page’s visitors spend most time and where they don’t, so that you can make adjustments as you go.

Creating Interactive Entertainment During the Event

You can also promote your event as it happens – especially if will span on more than one day. Including visitors in fun activities is great not just for their engagement, but also for the people staying at home, still wondering on whether or not they should attend the event.

Some examples of creative interactive entertainment include the following:

  • Create a fun station for them. It could be a toy car race, or simply a photo booth. It could be a prize draw of some kind, or simply a video game station. Whatever it is, do make sure it suits your product and your target audience. This type of entertainment is bound to attract a lot of visitors to your booth – and you could take this opportunity to encourage them to share the photos of the fun activity on their own Social Media channels (using your hashtag, of course). Consequently, this will attract even more visitors to your booth.
  • Bring in a photo booth and share the photos live, on a big screen, as a slideshow. Encourage visitors to vote for the best picture on Social Media and share it with their friends, so that they can vote too. This will increase your reach, attracting more visitors towards your business during (and after) the event.

Create a Teaser Video to Increase Hype

A good teaser video can sell your products before they’re even on the market.

The more intriguing your teaser video is for the target audience, the more likely it is that you will make them curious.

Keep in mind that teaser videos shouldn’t actually show anything. For instance, if you were selling cars, a teaser video would only show shots of the wheel, color, and so on – just enough to make people want to watch/ attend the big release and then want to buy the product.

Teaser videos can be created for events as well – not only will they increase the exposure of your event online, but they will most likely attract a lot of visitors towards your booth too.

Offline Marketing for Events

In some cases, offline means of communication might work better for your business. If your main target audience isn’t online and doesn’t spend too much time/ doesn’t pay attention to various forms of online promotion, you might be better off promoting your event using traditional channels.

Aside from leaflets and posters, it is also extremely important to let your booth talk about your business. The more unique your booth is, the more people will actually talk about it with their friends and colleagues, making them curious to come and see it for themselves.

Some tips to keep in mind when planning a roadshow booth that stands out include the following:

  • Dress in a way that makes you look special. Your entire team should wear some sort of uniform or distinguishing clothes. Make it something original, that goes in line with your brand and product (e.g. if you are selling a Japanese drink, you could dress in a Kimono or traditional Japanese clothes).
  • Design an attractive backdrop for your event. This will allow you to catch the attention of the passersby visitors, increasing the chances that they stop by your booth and actually inquire about your products. Think out of the box when it comes to your event backdrop – it’s one of the best ways to make sure you attract plenty of people towards your business!

Practice experiential marketing. Create fun, interactive booths that make people feel entertained. The more interactive your booth is, the more people will feel excellent attending it (instead of feeling simply “marketed to”). Use your booth to create hype on Social Media too, bridging the gap between your online and offline campaigns!

Event promotion can be a daunting task when you don’t know where to start from and what to do. As long as you have a clear idea of who your target audience is, though, you should be able to find the right channels for the promotion of your event. Keep your brand in mind, and keep your budget close to your pocket too! Event promotion doesn’t have to cost a fortune – but not paying attention to your budget might lead you into financial trouble.

More importantly, keep things creative. Most people are tired of being sold mere information, packaged the same way every single time. It doesn’t even matter what kind of business you run, how large your company is, or the industry you’re active in. At the end of the day, you are marketing to people (be them consumers or decision makers in a company). And people always appreciate creative campaigns that make them feel entertained and involved in the success of your company!


Design Ideas for Event Backdrop in Malaysia

Design Ideas for Event Backdrop in Malaysia

Regardless of what type of event you are planning, you want it to really stand out and look amazing – and your backdrop design is one of the first and foremost important elements to consider.

After all, you will welcome your (potential) clients into your event just like you would welcome them in your own home – so you surely want to make sure every single detail is in place (including your backdrop design, which should be seen as the foundation of your entire event design)

What is an event backdrop, how to design it, and what are some of the very best ideas out there to inspire you?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

Understanding Backdrop Designs

Your backdrop design is, for you as a marketer, like a canvas is for a painted

You want to choose the most qualitative one, and the one that’s most suitable for your particular situation (both in terms of the type of “canvas” you choose and in terms of the size it should have).

⚠️  There is a confusion many people make, mistaking backdrops with banners, but a clear distinction should be made.

Banners are, by definition, long strips of cloth with a message or a special design on them. They are either hung on public spaces or carried around on poles.

Backdrops, however, are a notion that comes from theater. Basically, they used to be the painted strips of cloth that used to be hung on the rear of a stage (sometimes, the back curtain played this role, depending on the décor of the theater play).

In marketing, the same concept has been borrowed and backdrops are pieces of cloth that cover the back part of a booth (or anything else that might replace a booth – such as an open truck, for example).

Your backdrop design should be very well-coordinated with the theme of the booth, with your brand, as well as with the particular message they are supposed to send (is it a message that raises awareness over your brand, or a message that is focused on sales, for example?).

Principles to Use When Selecting a Backdrop Design

There are a lot of backdrop designs to choose from, and it is extremely important to make sure you pick the one that:

  • Is most congruent with your brand and values;
  • Fits the booth to look both impactful and aesthetically pleasing;
  • Is attractive and will make your business stand out from the crowd;
  • Uses the right copywriting to have an actual impact on your booth’s visitors

1.Normal ceiling (12 feet) and smaller floor space (under 20 feet):

  • If you are looking for partial coverage (e.g. you’re planning a special panel and want to decorate the panelists’ table), you should look for a banner that’s about 4-5 feet high and 10 feet wide.
  • If you are looking for full coverage, you should search for a backdrop that’s about 8 feet (or more) in height. Keep in mind, if this is the option you’re aiming for, you should make sure to plan a backdrop design that can be seen if panelists will be seated in front of it.

2.Regular ceiling (12 feet) and larger floor space (20 feet):

  • Banners in this kind of space should measure about 4-5 feet in height and about 16 feet in width.
  • Backdrops should also be at least 8 feet in height. In terms of width, you should determine yourself how much of the space behind your panelists/ main event you want to cover because this will determine how wide the backdrop should be. As mentioned above, it is important to choose a backdrop design that will not be interfered with by the people sitting in front of it or the actions happening in front of it.

3.High ceiling (16 feet) and larger floor space (20 feet):

  • Banners in this kind of space should measure about 16-18 feet in width and about 8-9 feet in height (going for a lower height could work, but if you want the banner to look more balanced in such a large space, you should opt for the 8-9 feet mark).
  • A backdrops’ size will depend a lot on the amount of space you want to cover. Measure your room and make sure your backdrop goes up to the ceiling and that it is wide enough to cover the back wall of the main event (panelists, demonstrations, etc.).

Types of Event Backdrops and How to Choose Them

Of course, size isn’t the only characteristic you should be looking at when selecting your backdrop design.

The kind of event you’re running is also very important. Is it a high-tech event?
Then you want your event backdrop to really reveal a certain note of futurism – either through a unique design or by using stunning visuals projected on screens that play the role of a backdrop.

Is it a fashion event? Likewise, your event backdrop should be fully coordinated with the nature of the event you’re attending, so that it looks really great in the given context.

There are two main types of event backdrops (and several sub-types), as follows:

1) Fabric Backdrop

This is the closest it gets to the theatre backdrops we were mentioned in the beginning. These backdrops don’t always have something printed on them, but they play the role of pure décor, creating the right ambiance for a particular type of event (e.g. a wedding ceremony).

  • Fabric backdrops are usually paired with backdrop stand and they are very commonly used for photo booths;

Here’s an example of a fabric event backdrop design  

Is it a fashion event? Likewise, your event backdrop should be fully coordinated with the nature of the event you’re attending, so that it looks really great in the given context.

2) Premium backdrops

Most self-respecting business events use this kind of backdrop (e.g. product launches, annual dinners, conferences, and so on).

  • The event backdrop standard size varies a lot according to the size of the space of the event itself (we have already went in detail on this, so if you skipped to this part of the article, you can go back one heading and check out the tips we gave there).
  • There are multiple types of stage backdrop design options to choose from:
    • Printed backdrops – probably the most common options out there, mostly because they aren’t too loud and prominent, and they can be adapted to multitude of types of events;
  • Backdrops that include the brand name and the brand aura are great for reflect events and events where your brand image is extremely important;

3) Neon backdrops

  • Neon backdrops are the trend of the year. Great to draw attention and most importantly – it looks great in pictures

4) LED backdrops

  • LED backdrops are the most flexible option you have. They are great because they feel interactive, changing according to the music and the performance on stage.
    • This is a great example of an LED backdrop.

Your backdrop designs for events should be very well-chosen because they set the entire atmosphere you want to create at your event.

Regardless of whether it’s an event hosted by your company or simply a trade fair you’re attending as a business, you want your backdrop design to stand out while making sure it’s perfectly designed and sized for the nature of the event and the space where it’s held.

Creativity goes a very long way when it comes to creating backdrop designs for events – so don’t be afraid to use it. At the end of the day, the people attending your event have seen a thousand and one other event backdrops in their lives – so you want to be surprising.

Keep in mind, though: your surprising design should always be coordinated with your band and with the nature of the event itself (e.g. you wouldn’t create a pink LED backdrop if you’re an agricultural equipment supplier attending an outdoor trade fair).

Choose wisely when it comes to your backdrop supplier because they can make or break the entire design.

Work with true professionals who know what it takes to create backdrops that are absolutely perfect, from every single point of view. Work with people who have actual hands-on experience in this field and who know how to provide genuine quality – from the design of the backdrop itself to the materials used to create it.

Yes, it might cost a little more to use the services of a quality backdrop Malaysia supplier – but always keep in mind that your brand image is at stake. Showing up with a cheap-looking backdrop will send a bad message out – to your business partners and potential customers alike.

If we were to sum up the key ingredients to having the right backdrop design for events, they would be creativity, attention to detail, knowing the space you’re working with, and hiring a genuinely dedicated supplier to get the job done!

The Ultimate Event Booth Guide for Marketers

The Ultimate Event Booth Guide for Marketers

We live in an ultra-connected world – and, in many ways, that’s both an understatement and an overstatement as well.

On the one hand, online communications have completely changed the way we live our lives. We wake up in the morning and open our Facebook apps, where cute kittens purr and former high school classmates show us what they had for breakfast. We open our email apps and connect to our work communications, regardless of where in the world our partners, clients, and work colleagues may be. We shop online, and we have our products shipped out from China.

On the other hand, none of the digital channels will ever be able to replace something fundamentally human: real-life interaction.

That is precisely why roadshow marketing still works and why it will continue to work a long time from now. And that is precisely why it is still very important to know how to pull off things like custom booth design and overall event marketing elements.

What are the absolute roadshow booth design tips all event marketers should know?

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you plan amazing, successful event booths. From the types of exhibition booth design to the planning itself, we’ve covered it all in the article below – so read on to find out more.

What’s a Roadshow Event and What Is It All About?

We could write an entire book on what is a roadshow event and why it’s still extremely important to include them in your marketing strategy.

Put shortly, though, a roadshow event is an event that’s usually targeted at a very specific audience, in a restricted geographical area. Traditionally, roadshow events are small and ultra-specific – but these days, large exhibitions and trade show booth ideas are so heavily influenced by the small roadshow mindset that they are all included under the same “roadshow” umbrella term.

The long story is, well, much longer. Under the influence of digital media, roadshows have changed a lot in the past decade or so. While these events used to be considered pretty much just branded booths with presentation flyers, they are nowadays getting more and more creative.

That’s both good and bad news for you as an event marketer. On the one hand, you get the chance to be really fun with your booth design ideas. On the other hand, your competition’s getting the same opportunity – so you will have to be way over the top if you want your brand to be noticeable in a sea of other brands selling more or less the same product and/or service as you do.

Your promotional booth ideas need to be more than just good. They need to be great if you want to make sure they meet their objectives:

  • Educating customers about the brand and the benefits it provides;
  • Interacting with the customers and building a relationship with them;
  • Getting your customers’ feedback so that you know what to improve;
  • Allowing your customers (or leads) to experience the brand;
  • Generate leads and immediate sales;
  • Providing your sales team with the opportunity to connect to your target audience, face-to-face

Excellent exhibition booth ideas will offer you a seat in the front row – so that you can actually show your potential and existing customers what your brand is all about, remind them of the benefits you provide, and, in the end, earn your customers’ loyalty.

Yes, a customized booth design does matter in all of this. In fact, it’s a crucial element you simply cannot and should not omit.

What Are the Main Types of Event Booths?

Not all booths are created alike – and that’s mostly connected to the fact that these days, roadshow events are so specific that each of them has one or two very specific objectives, set according to the target segment audience and the business goals.

In very broad terms, roadshow booths are categorized according to their size, design, and function (e.g. some of them are meant to generate sales, while others are meant to generate engagement among potential and existing customers).

Types of Event Booths According to Size

In the afore mentioned paradigm, one can distinguish 3 main size-based categories of event booths:

a. The Exhibition Booth

This type of booth is generally meant to cater to a pretty huge audience (think thousands of visitors attending an industry-themed exhibition). Albeit not traditional roadshows, these events have slowly shifted to a more segmented mindset – and that is precisely why you might want to think of a more roadshow-like booth, rather than a conventional exhibition booth. This is where creative booth design ideas come into play (and why it’s important to create something that will genuinely stand out and differentiate both from competitors and from the traditional booth designs still practiced out there).

Exhibition booths are usually consisted of several sections, to host different activities – so they will generally have multiple objectives (focused on both brand awareness and lead generation).

The types of activities that can take place in an exhibition booth can include any of the following:

  • Kids’ areas;
  • DIY activities;
  • Photo booths;
  • Games;
  • Sampling;
  • Freebies;
  • Goodie bag giveaways;
  • Information-based walls;
  • Consultation areas;
  • Brand history-based elements;
  • Tutorial areas;
  • …And everything in between.

Keep in mind that, due to the large size of an exhibition booth, you have to think very carefully of your brand display. In this case, you need a huge brand display to call out your business and be visible and eye-catching from afar (obviously, more visible and attractive than that of your competitors).

b. The Promotional Booth

These booths are usually medium-sized – definitely smaller than an exhibition booth, but larger than, for example, a pop-up store. You will usually find these booths in malls, so they are often designed to meet the restrictions imposed by the shopping center (e.g. there may be height or safety-related restrictions).

These booths are created to be able to cater to a regular amount of walk-in customers, and some of their most common objectives include:

  • Announcing and/or promoting a new product launch;
  • Boost sales during specific sales periods;
  • Drive brand awareness;
  • Drive sales.

These mall booth ideas and special areas are suitable to be incorporated in a promotional booth:

  • Promotional area that highlights discounted, newly-launched, or seasonal, short-time availability products;
  • Engagement activities area (consisted of anything ranging from photo booths to video games);
  • Sampling activities areas;
  • Info areas;
  • Payment counters that allow an instant purchase.

c. The Pop-Up Store

This type of booth is usually very small in size, and its main purpose is that of driving sales (more specifically, encouraging customers to make an instant purchase).

The types of activities and areas that are normally incorporated in a pop-up store include:

  • A promotional area focusing on the products that are on discount, seasonal, short-time availability, or newly launched;
  • An area that allows customers to sample/ test the product;
  • A payment area that allows customers to make an instant purchase.

Types of Event Booths According to Their Design

There’s a world full of possibilities when it comes to event booth design and the shapes, colors, formats, and sizes it can take.

Some of the most popular design-based event booth categories include the following:

a. Innovative Booths

This is a pretty broad term, but it generally refers to all the booth designs that cannot be included in any of the design typologies we will describe below.
An innovative booth can be pretty much anything, it can be adapted to any size, and any objective.
A very good example of a really innovative booth is that of IWC’s Top Gun exhibition at the Dubai Mall. A company that sells luxury watches, they designed a Top Gun-themed exhibition booth in the middle of the Dubai Mall – with a plane prop and staff dressed as flight attendants to make everything seem realistic. They may not be an airline company, yet, the theme they chose appealed to their target audience and attracted them to their booth, thus making it easier to meet the exhibition’s objective.

As you can see in the video linked above, IWC’s booth actually moved beyond the borders of a mall booth, or even an exhibition booth, and brought forward a genuinely unique and eye-catching idea. We loved this!

b. Fun Booths

These booths are all about providing an excellent experience to visitors. Some of them are quite basic (including video gaming gear, or classic indoor games, such as ping-pong or snooker), while others go completely over the top and make the entire booth the center of attention.

Take KIA Soul’s booth, for example. Based on the TV commercial created for the product, this booth included a 10 m fun slide that even captured pictures the riders as they landed right in front of the new KIA Soul car (and the photos were made available online, or via mobile devices). The entire experience was completely out-of-the box and it truly complemented the “Ready to Roll” vibe of the TV commercial.

Aside from the huge snaking slide, the booth also included a Graffiti area (where visitors had the chance to design their own KIA soul), a makeover area for the ladies, a fitness XBOX area for sports aficionados, and even an area that allowed visitors to experience driving the new car.

c. Interactive Booths

These booths are all about connecting to visitors and allowing them to work with the product in a fun and creative way.

An excellent example here is Faber Castell’s one-line drawing challenge. The company visited 20 universities in Turkey and asked students to create one-line themed drawings using the Faber Castell pencils. To be more specific, participants had to create a one-line drawing to answer the question “What is your dream”. The contest was streamed live on Facebook and a side-contest took place on Twitter as well, where users were asked to guess the one-line contest winner’s dream. The main prize was consisted of the chance to work in a Faber Castell factory, while Twitter users were also rewarded with company products as well.

d. Brand Image-Driven

These booths are all about the brand – and their entire design is usually based on a distinctive feature of that brand (most often, the logo).

Below, you can see a very good example of a brand image-drive booth created for TUMI’s 40th anniversary.

e. Sales-Driven

These booths are mostly based on enabling visitors to walk in, experience the product, and walk out of the booth as fully-converted customers. Everything about these booths is meant to highlight the qualities of the product(s) and fast-forward the visitors’ decisional process into buying it on the spot (rather than at a later date).

Below, you can see an example of a sales-driven booth and how it was designed to promote sales.

As for objective-based booths, they can fall into any of the categories above. There are promotional booths focused on interaction, same as there are exhibition booths focused on fun (and the examples above prove that there’s no clear delimitation between two or more categories of booths – and that creativity is, at the end of the day, the most important aspect in bringing to life booths that are genuinely attractive).

How to Plan an Event Booth?

Planning the design of an event booth should always be very detail-oriented, no matter how large or small the event may be, and no matter what is the main purpose of the booth may be. From custom exhibit booths to unique pop-up store booths, attention to detail is crucial in making sure everything’s a success.

We have gathered some tips to help you create the event booths your business deserves – so read on if you want to learn more about the 5 basic steps you need to follow when planning the perfect booth.

1. Establish the “technicalities” of the booth.

You wouldn’t start planning a party without knowing who’s invited, what your budget is, and how large the party will actually be – so why would planning a booth be any different?

Before you delve into the myriad of booth design ideas out there, do make sure that you clearly establish the basic elements upon which your booth will be created – the booth’s foundation, if you want to call it like that.

The four essential elements to include at this stage are size, budget, audience, and, of course, objective. Being very clear about these four verticals will narrow down the (almost endless) list of possibilities and help you start the entire planning process on the right foot.

2. Select the right location

Your booth absolutely needs to be at the right place, at the right time. Otherwise, you might end up investing a lot of time and financial resources into something that might not yield the results you’re looking for.

Selecting the right location for your booth depends on a variety of factors, such as, for example, whether or not the booth will be stand-alone or if it will be part of a larger industry trade show of any kind.

However, the two key elements to consider here are

  • Daily foot count (i.e. you need to place your booth in an area that is very frequently visited by people). For instance, placing a booth at the outskirts of a smaller town might just not attract enough visitors/ leads/ customers to be worth it.
  • Audience type (i.e. you need to place your booth in an area that is visited by the right people – namely, your audience. For example, you wouldn’t place a tractor manufacturer’s booth in front of a spa that’s mostly visited by women who are most likely not working in the agricultural industry).

3. Start thinking of the key elements that will define the design

This is the first step towards the actual design of the booth. At this point, you don’t have to be too detailed – but you need to draw the “sketch” of what you want your booth to focus on.
One of the first crucial design-related elements to consider is the key feature that will make your booth design stand out from the crowd. In general, booths can be size-oriented (big booths that instantly catch the attention of anyone walking into a designated area, such as the booth in the KIA Soul example) or they can be originality-oriented (booths that are completely out of the norm for the given location – such as a booth made out of hay placed in the middle of an ultra-modern mall).

Sometimes, booths can fall into both afore mentioned categories – such as in the case of IWC’s Top Gun exhibition (which was considerable in size, but also quite unique given the company’s main product line and the location of the booth).

4. Plan the activities that will be included in the booth

As we were mentioning in a previous blog post focusing on roadshow activities that attract crowds, there’s a myriad of options when it comes to the things you invite your visitors to do once they reach your booth.

Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Interactive activities (oversized puzzle games, whiteboards where visitors can sign themselves, drawing contests – and pretty much anything that invites people to interact with your booth in any way);
  • Child and family-based activities (such as children’s games, reading stories to kids, toy car races, and so on);
  • Competitions and prize draws (such as a wheel of fortune-inspired contest or, why not, a sports-based competition);
  • Technology-based activities (such as AR or VR-based activities and games);
  • Interactive displays (such as a real-life model on display, presenting the latest fashion items in your store).

Of course, these are just some of the types of activities you can incorporate in an event booth – there are many others (and if you want to learn more about this, you should definitely read the article linked above).

Keep in mind: while there are a lot of activities that work excellently with pretty much any kind of brand and any kind of event booth, it is still extremely important to somehow link these activities to your specific business. For instance, you could offer free makeovers to ladies visiting a car manufacturer’s booth – but this has to be tied in to the car’s redesign (even if just through a tagline that reminds visitors of the new car’s tagline).

5. Make sure you engage the right event planner

It doesn’t even matter how large or small your marketing team may be – truth be told, planning a really amazing booth does take a lot of time and resources. Given that you most likely have other tasks as well, hiring the right event planner to help you with your booth design becomes absolutely crucial.

After all, you’re doing this because you want to see results – be it a large number of generated leads or a large number of sales. And hiring a specialized event planner will actually help you pull off the entire event in a smooth, flawless, and stress-free way.

Here at Rush Max Event, we can definitely help you with our customized roadshow booth and roadshow management services. We have an entire team dedicated to making sure each and every client we have meets their goals in terms of event marketing – so you can absolutely rely on us to deliver top-notch services regardless of what industry your business may be in.

Our main goal is to make sure your events are successful from every point of view – so we will go above and beyond to put together all of your event booth’s details, from A to Z.

From booth design to actually setting it up and the manpower you need to run a successful event booth (professional sales persons, models, event crew, etc.), we have it all – and more importantly, we meet the highest standards of quality in the event planning industry, in everything we do.

Contact us today and learn everything you need to know about our services and how we plan on making your plans come true!

How to Design Effective Crowd Pullers for Your Roadshow Activities

How to Design Effective Crowd Pullers for Your Roadshow Activities

Long gone are the days when traditional event marketing was limited just a handful of materials and activities you didn’t have much creative room with. These days, planning marketing events is ALL about endless creativity and standing out from the crowd – because, in the end, this is the very first step to making sure your events yield the ROI you are looking for.

Overall Event ROI

Even with all the creative freedom, choosing the right type of marketing event for your business goals is still extremely important. In the end, you’re not planning this just for the sake of planning itself – you’re doing it because it needs to actually have an effect on your business.

Where does a roadshow event fall into all of this? Why are these among the most popular types of marketing events, and more importantly, what are some crowd pulling activities you can incorporate in your roadshow?

 We’ve gathered all of the answers right below – so read on if you want to find out more.

Why a Roadshow, More Exactly?

The main objective of a roadshow is to create and strengthen brand awareness. This is not to say that roadshows aren’t good for your sales team’s efforts of taking clients down on the sales funnel, or that you cannot generate leads by planning a roadshow. Roadshows are great for that as well. However, their main purpose is that of showing the world what an amazing brand you are and reminding your audience of the best selling points and benefits your products or services offer.

How are Roadshows different than Larger-Scale Events?

Some of you may be tempted to believe roadshows don’t do as much as larger-scale events because they’re smaller and they target a more restrictive audience (e.g. people who are geographically clustered around the location(s) of your roadshows).

However, the small size and the restricted audience are actual benefits of roadshows. By focusing on a smaller audience, you get the chance to know them better. You get the chance to create a truly personal relationship with them. And you get the chance to adapt your roadshow according to that particular area and target audience, so that you increase your chances of eventually converting those potential customers.

Let’s take an example:

you are an agricultural technology manufacturer and you want to take your products on the road to show them off to your potential customers. However, farmers’ needs can differ a lot from one location to another. A series of roadshow where you exhibit the best products for those particular locations’ needs will be a lot more beneficial in the long run than a large-scale event that doesn’t allow you to tap into the particularities of why your products are better for one geographical area, as opposed to another.

What Are some of the Best Types of Roadshow Activities?

As also mentioned above, there’s no secret recipe on how to attract crowd to your event – it all lies in the way you analyze your parameters and the creativity you put in this. However, for the sake of inspiration, we have gathered some of the best types of engaging roadshow activities ideas you could include in your next event.

Remember, though, these are just for inspiration – don’t be afraid to get creative with these ideas and turn them into something completely new, of your own.

A. Interactive Activities

These are the games and activities you plan for your guests to engage in. It may be an oversized puzzle featuring your brand, or it may simply be a giant wall that invites people to write good wishes, hopes, things they are thankful for, and so on. 

Giant Chalk Wall

Creative Whiteboard

B. Prize Draws

No matter where they come from and what their backgrounds may be, people will always love free things – and that is precisely why prize draws are still successful. Our advice is to make yours as interactive as possible – instead of simply tossing names into a hat, why not make this look like a “professional” lucky draw or prize wheel? It can be something that includes your brand name, logo, and/or color – so that it is truly in line with the event you’re planning.


C. Competitions

Who doesn’t love a good challenge? Organizing a small competition for your roadshow can be a great way of attracting more people to your stand. Again, this depends on your brand and what you are selling, but the competition can be based on a wide range of things – from ping-pong tournaments to drone races.

D. Family and Children’s Activities

If you know your audience is likely to come to your event with their children, why not organize something for the little ones? Not only will you make the kids happy, but you will make their parents happy too (and this will give you a chance to present your products to them). Some examples here include children’s games, climbing, toy car races, and so on.

Giant Snake & Ladder Game

Memory Card Game

Wall Climbing

E. Interactive Displays

This is a great idea for those of you who want to add some liveliness and movement to your showcasing. For instance, if you are running a clothing business, you could create a display with actual, real-life models, instead of plastic mannequins.

F. Technology and AR / VR

If your target audience is likely to be attracted to tech-news and video games, you have plenty of ways to include that in your roadshow. For example, a VR headset could present your product in a realistic way and it could give your visitors the chance to visualize themselves using it. Even a gaming console, a big screen, and a comfortable chair can do the trick here if you can connect this to your business (e.g. if you are selling fishing and hunting products, you could allow your visitors to play a game based on that).


G. Photobooth

From weddings to high-tier events, photobooths are everywhere – and there’s a very good reason they’re spreading like wildfire: they work. These fun, simple booths can turn your event into a real attraction for a lot of people, from a wide range of backgrounds – because who doesn’t love taking a photo as a superhero, driving their dream car, or just plain and simply in a very fun background (e.g. flying)?

Photobooth - Colgate Roadshow

H. Food and Snacks

Cotton Candy

If there’s one thing people will ALWAYS love, that is a good snack. Hire a food truck to embellish your roadshow stand and you are guaranteed to have people lined up in no time – because who can resist a scrumptious doughnut in your brand colors, or a good, old-fashioned popsicle shaped like your brand?

I. Coffee and Mocktails

Nestle Yogurt Bar

Coffee Booth

Serving alcohol at roadshow events may not be a good idea because it can very easily turn into a complete disaster. Serving coffee and delicious, unique mocktails, on the other hand, is absolutely brilliant. People love coffee and they will always love a good refreshment – and if it’s presented in a nice, original way, it’s even better for them!

J. Samplings and Goodies Giveaway

This idea may not work for everyone – but if you sell any kind of foods, ingredients, or simply if you can pick smaller items from your offer that you can giveaway, then you are bound to attract a pretty impressive crowd to your stand. Why? For the same reason lucky draws are still very popular: nobody says “no” to something free, even more so when it’s something qualitative.

How Do You Plan a Successful Roadshow?

Same as any other type of event, great roadshows don’t just happen – they take a bit of attention to detail and diligence. And while there’s no magic recipe to planning the perfect roadshow, there are a few ingredients you absolutely need to consider, regardless of what type of business you’re running.

  1. Attentively select your Locations

    As mentioned above, marketing events aren’t planned just for the sake of, well, doing something. They are planned with a clear goal in mind – and most roadshows have brand activation ideas at the top of their list of priorities.That being said, it is extremely important that you put some thought into the locations you choose for your roadshows.

    Think of where your brand needs to (re)enforce its presence, where your potential customers need you the most, where it is more likely to eventually close the deal. Doing this will help you actually achieve your event activation goals.

  1. Think of your Audience

    Who are they, and what are they more likely to enjoy? Are they Millennials who shop in particular stores? Then you could think of shopping mall event ideas that suit them, centered around the shops and brands they enjoy . Are they busy, young moms trying to balance career and family?

     The types of activities you plan for them might be different, then.Take your time with this, don’t rush through it. At the end of the day, you will conclude that there’s truly nothing more important than knowing who your potential customers are. THIS is where truly amazing roadshow activity ideas are born.

  1. Plan Original, Engaging Activities and Content

    The most successful roadshow event management ideas lie at the confluence between you, your brand, the location you choose for your events and the audience you’re targeting. This might take a bit of search and plenty of brainstorming, but it’s more than worth it to actually invest time, patience, and dedication in this – in the end, it will pay off.